Friday, September 07, 2007

vagrant elephants (singular)

havn't written jack in awhile - so here goes.

i was thinkin lately... you know the saying "there's an elephant in the room and nobody knows it"?
yeah - that's a good quote eh. i like it alot. i've heard it applied to the church. what do you think? let's see if it works out.

so this elephant - what could it be? the church's lack of understanding and watering down of the gospel and its presentation? it's selfish-ness? it's desire for positive self-esteem? or even self-esteem itself? different arguments on theology and doctrine? denominations?

honestly i don't know... there's so many things that the elephant could be.
so why don't we try to narrow this down a bit - and rearrange the quote?

"listen. there is no elephant. stop trying to convince yourself there is. the room is absolutely empty. void. all that is in the room are eyes wide shut."

people who think their eyes are wide open and are seeing an elephant in the room.
people who live life arguing about issues that they think matter - which don't.
people who's eyes are shut and have the proverbial log keeping them shut.

here's the problem with the church these days. there are way too many people focusing on problems and solutions and other what-not's to even bother realizing that those things don't even matter. what matters is the basics. basics of christianity. basics of the gospel. basics of God's love. but we don't see these things or go near them enough because we think we have them all down pat. keep it simple. the gospel is simple.

the problem is us.

we need to recognize - we need to hate the things that God hates. love the things that God loves. and for things in-between - go with your conscience. God works through our conscience anyways right. (says that in romans somewhere...)

stop trying to convince yourself of the elephant when the room is absolutely empty.

hope this makes ya think.
made me think.

God bless.
p.s. if you don't like my grammar - dwi

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