Monday, December 01, 2008

musings from who the heck knows where

edit: updated my testimony a bit - testimony


i was thinking today - why do people blog?
no. that's not what i was thinking.
though i mainly think it's just another way of talking to yourself.
go figure. technology has our tongues as well.

today... feels like a nothing day.
practically every day since i got my cast.
i mean - don't get me wrong. there's been excitments each week.
youth. lock-ins. hanging out with jo and friends.
i just feel useless is all.

today i especially don't feel like doing anything.

a thought. a muse.
dictionary that one later.
young adults was last night.
predestination vs. free-choice anyone?
not so hot off the platter at the moment though.

here's my simple thought:

could it be that God predestined for us to not sin and be complete with him?
but that he gave us the choice to accept or reject that destination?

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