Wednesday, April 07, 2010

an intro of sorts

it's been two years and almost five months.
since what you ask?
well -- since the obvious of course. =)

obvious to me anyways. haha.

two years and five months me and my girl have been dating.

and in those two-ish years -- i have never been good at introducing her to people.

and apparently i've only ever mentioned her three times on this blog.

what was i thinking?!

here goes:
her name (which i love) - is Jolynn Spyker
Spyker - seriously - freakin awesome last name.

most beautiful person i know and bestest of friends ever.

we met at the northview young adults back when it was called "inextreme"

and the cliche of "love at first sight" sure happened - for me at least.
i think she was thinkin... well - not what i was thinking. haha.

hope i remembered that right. =P
then i went away for the summer to camp tulahead.

i was thinking of going to Regina for a week or moving back to kamloops
but i got stuck in abbotsford - and i guess that wasn't such a bad idea after all. =P

heck yes!

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