Saturday, January 26, 2008

now where were we

ah yes. i do remember now.
read a devotional of the day today. last little bit went like this:

"I would hope and pray that one day we will not look back on our lives regretfully, when we consider the potential we had to be a blessing, and we let those moments pass."

we've got to let God do with us what he wants to do.
let him guide us.
if something upsets or annoys us - think of all the blessings God has given us. heck he gave us another day to live.

should we get uptight about the little things? big things even?
if something happens and we're bothered by it... we can't really change anything about it can we? all we can change is how we react to it all.

and how we react to it - kind of shapes who we are. or is it who we are that shapes our reactions? i think it can work both ways.

life's not short. there's illusions to make it seem short.
so let's not live our lives waiting for things to come.
live our lives waiting on the Lord - yes.

be calm.
God bless.

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