Tuesday, January 06, 2009

divine intelligence

woah. i havn't written here in awhile.
sorry 'bout that.

i went away for december. heh.
down to the coast.
yeah i know. i don't like the coast much - why was i down there?
right. christmas. spend the holidays with friends. (the fam doesn't do christmas).

it was amazing. was supposed to be back in the loops before the 18th.
but i rescheduled for today. the sixth. to get xrays that is.

snowed so much in abby. two n' a half feet. more than kamloops! havn't seen that ever down there.
and a white christmas at that. all around the best christmas holiday sesh ever.

so yeah. went for xrays today. and i have no more cast. no break line. no need for a splint. nothin. praise the Lord!

now i just need a job.

if you have me on facebook - there's about a hundred and twenty photos from snowcamp (oh yeah - went to gardom lake for a snowcamp sesh this last weekend - best ever. haha) - and six videos i think. check it.

i'm out.
gonna go play guitar (finally!) or something.

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